Saturday, April 24, 2010

So there are four weeks left of school until I am graduated!!!! Three weeks of learning and practicing and then finals, certification exam, licensing and then I will be an official licensed massage therapist and legally charge you all $60 an hour for my services! (but since i'm nice i'll give some of you a discount) muahahaha! But i realized to today, six months of school has not made me much of a genius. I was working on a gentleman today who wanted injury massage on his right shoulder. With the shoulder protocol fresh in my mind from just two days ago, I got to work. I finished his shoulder and moved on. about three minutes later he said something along the lines of "uh, I wanted my right side worked but it seemed like you did my left" So I looked at the shoulder I just done an epic massage on and realized it was the left. OOPS!!!! So I acted like it was all part of the plan and started all over on his right and added some trigger point in just to make it believable (which i'm sure it wasn't) moral of the story: learn left from right before you go to college.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

that's funny...thanks for sharing!