Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The evils of facebook

Like millions of people, I fell into the trap laziness and wasting away and idleness disguised as a social networking website called facebook. I am addicted!!!! i realized there were about a million things i could be doing instead of facebook. like getting my laundry done, studying for finals and just generally living my life. So I made myself a sticker chart. So far I have gone five whole days without it! I've had some withdrawls but i'm doing ok in case you were worried. Of course i'm making up for it by blogging A LOT! Also, I ran out of texts about the first week of the month. So I have been off of that too. It's amazing!


Michelle said...

nice job. I should totally do the same thing! maybe I should give my kids some attention! haha!

Michelle said...

you should figure out a reward for yourself if you go a certain amount of time...

Emily said...

I have decided to make mom give me a Naked drink if i go for a week and a half! i have one week down so far!